The Ultimate Guide to Academic Curricular Efficiency

Everything you need to know to find hidden savings in your academic program costs.

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Achieving Curricular Efficiency

What if reducing overhead costs and cutting too-small programs were not the only practical ways to control college costs? If a department offers five electives

Talk to an expert in Curricular Efficiency

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What Drives Curricular Efficiency?

Academic leaders routinely make decisions about course offerings, course scheduling, staffing, releases, and other topics that drive curricular efficiency.  However, Deans and Chairs often lack

How to Manage Curricular Efficiency

In an excerpt from Start, Stop, or Grow, Robert Atkins discusses curricular efficiency, which measures, manages, and improves the units of education that can be delivered for a given amount of instructional cost and quality, and the importance of the cost per student credit hour (SCH).

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Now Offering APEM Certification

Academic Program Evaluation and Management

In partnership with Bay Path University, Gray offers an online, asynchronous, self-paced course designed for higher-education leaders.

Are you interested in this opportunity to become certified?