The Ultimate Guide to Data-Informed Academic Program Evaluation​

Everything you need to know to evaluate and manage a successful academic program portfolio

Why Do You Need a Program Evaluation System (PES)?

A sound Program Evaluation System (PES) marshals the data, software, people, and decision-making processes that enable fast, well-informed, and broadly supported program decisions. Several of the largest and most successful participants in higher education now use a Program Evaluation System (PES) to guide their program decisions.

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What Is an Academic Program Evaluation Process?

An academic program evaluation process is data-informed, transparent, collaborative, and intensive when done correctly. Having a strong analytical foundation and a clear, inclusive process for program evaluation leads to better decisions, strengthens relationships across the campus, and is consistent with the principles of shared governance.

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Now Offering APEM Certification

Academic Program Evaluation and Management

In partnership with Bay Path University, Gray offers an online, asynchronous, self-paced course designed for higher-education leaders.

Are you interested in this opportunity to become certified?